In line with the rapid development of the gas industry in the region, the number of IGEM members in the Far East has grown dramatically in recent years. From 1988 to 1996, the number of members increased from 50 to 85. In view of the increasing number of potential candidates in the local gas industry, the interest in the Institution will continue to grow. As the economy of China develops, the region has become the focal point to establish better relationship and technical information exchange. To address these needs and to enable the Institution to serve its members in the region better, the IGEM Council in September 1995 approved the formation of the Far East District Section based initially in Hong Kong.
Preparation work for the formation of the District Section was initiated by enthusiastic members of the Institution. A few meetings were convened to discuss the details together with a general consultation to all the members in Hong Kong. There was overwhelming support and the Far East District Section was officially formed.
The Inauguration meeting of the Far East District Section was held on 22 April 1996 in Hong Kong, with the presence of President Mr Alex McDiarmid and Secretary/Chief Executive Ms Sandra Raine. Over 50 members attended the meaningful event.