IGEM/SR/28 Edition 2
Trenchless Techniques
IGEM/SR/28 Edition 2 was published in May 2011 and is the result of a review of IGE/SR/26, entitled Horizontal Directional Drilling and Impact Moling, first published in 1999 and IGE/SR/28, entitled Trenchless Techniques first published in 2002.
It provides requirements to those responsible for the planning and safe operation of trenchless technology works. As such it will assist employers comply with the duties on them with respect to employees and other persons, including members of the public whose safety may be affected.
The advantages of trenchless techniques are in the ability to install new, and replace or renovate existing underground utilities and services with minimal disturbance to the surface or damage to other buried services, thereby reducing above-ground activities and eliminating the need for costly and disruptive reinstatement. These advantages open up opportunities for installation in difficult or otherwise prohibitive expensive locations, for example, beneath highways, access ways to plant and other surfaced areas.
The Standard addresses health, safety and environmental matters associated with the following trenchless disciplines:
- Horizontal directional drilling (HDD)
- Impact moling
- Auger boring and rotary drilling
- Micro-tunnelling (up to 1 m diameter)
- Pipe ramming and pipe jacking
- Pipe splitting and pipe bursting
- Refurbishment of pipes using lining techniques
- Internal pipe repair system(s).
New Edition - What has Changed?
The two original Standards have been combined and rationalised into one comprehensive Standard bringing the subject up to date.
The Standard takes into account the implications of environmental legislation. It will also assist in complying with other legislation such as the Construction (Design and Management) which have been updated since the last Standards were published.
Any trenchless technique needs to be planned with the objectives of minimizing risk to operatives, installations below and above ground and members of the public. This Standard gives further emphasis on requirements necessary to formulate a safety plan and takes the reader through the risk assessment process to provide a robust and comprehensive work plan for any of the techniques selected.
Whilst it is recognised the planning of any works is essential, due to the range of works covered the operational risks can vary from technique to technique. Therefore much more guidance is now given on operational safety for each of the techniques.
IGEM/SR/28 Edition 2 can be ordered online using the following link IGEM/SR/28 Edition 2.